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MA Design: Expanded Practice

Goldsmiths MA Design: Expanded Practice的设计师们擅长在打破传统设计的界限和局限的同时,探索通过先进设计实践的力量积极适应当代和未来社会的新方法。


同时,我们还特意为大家准备了有关该课程的官方Q&A活动,届时MA Design: ExpandedPractice 的导师们将来到直播间,为大家解答更多相关专业的问题哦!


直播链接 (直播平台 Microsoft Teams 复制此链接到浏览器 选择在浏览器直接参与会议或下载 Microsoft Teams APP):



什么是MA Design: Expanded Practice?

MA Design: Expanded Practice为研究什么是当代设计师所具备的条件而诞生。随着时代的变化,人们更注重生活体验,消费者体验等能够通过我们的感官亲自感受的生活和背后的发展;设计师们已经不再仅仅制作一个设计产品,他们除了考虑产品的实用性还要考虑如何展示这些作品,让大众接受。


Goldsmiths University of London就是一个培养多方面全才设计师的摇篮,我们致力于培养不会被社会所轻易击垮的设计师。无论在这里读本科还是硕士,你都将先从理论出发探索设计和时代的演变,研究各类领域的设计并运用到现实实践当中。





Communication & Experience

The studio focuses on investigation and communication, acknowledging a clear interdependency between 'content' (that being investigated) and 'container' (the exploration of the means of communication). Following an interpretative or curatorial process, we encourage the exploration of new formats and languages of communication using all means and media, through an interplay of space, objects, film, comics, gaming, language, graphics, etc. The work we support seeks to engage with the public, not as audience, but as co-respondents, co-authors and co-inspirators.

传播与体验工作室致力于调查与沟通,承认“内容”(调查对象)和“载体” (对于交流方式的探索)之间存在着明显的相互依赖关系。阐释或策划过程之后,我们鼓励通过空间、物体、电影、漫画、游戏、语言、图形等相互作用,利用一切方式和媒体探索新的交流形式和语言。我们支持能够涉及公众参与的作品a直播,公众不再止步于旁观者,而是作为共同的响应者、作者和启迪者参与其中。

Fashions & Embodiment

This studio facilitates conversations between making and unmaking, global and local, ethics and aesthetics, object and system, bodies and clothes. We challenge accepted boundaries and perceptions to explore fashion as a mode of collective agency. This requires questioning the relationship between fashion and consumption and generating knowledge and approaches that foster the transformative capacities of fashion and dress. We aim to broaden and reposition fashion practice through rethinking the relationships between garment, image, text, body and context to explore innovative ways of thinking, making and doing fashion.


Innovation & Service

This studio reaches out to emerging areas of design to draw together new forms of knowledge and processes that shape the future of innovation and the practices that constitute it. We explore how design can empower society, from the individual citizen to larger organisations that make up our social and cultural worlds. We debate issues of responsibility in innovation, encouraging design as a creatively aware practice. The studio embraces both strategic & ‘grassroots’ approaches to design, stakeholder involvement in innovation, the value of teamwork & understanding relationships, design tools for asking questions, raising complexities and framing problems.

创新与服务工作室延伸到新兴的设计领域,将新的知识形式和过程结合起来,构建创新型未来和实践。我们探索如何让服务设计上至社会文化机构,下至群众个体,都能赋予社会权力。我们讨论创新中的责任感问题,鼓励将设计作为创造性意识实践。在该工作室 ,你将学习战略性和“草根”的设计方法,考虑由股权持有人参与的创新,理解团队合作的重要性,设计能够提问、提高复杂性和构架问题的产品。

Interactions & Experiments

This studio explores inventive approaches to design and design-led research. We understand that the doing of design is connected to the making of the social world. We develop experiments that explore the interconnectedness of the designed social world, focusing on interactions between people and non-humans, such as technologies, infrastructures, policies and animals. We then work within these interconnected relationships to develop new interactions through material responses, and through this, bring about new approaches to designing. To support this, we draw on material from design research and science and technology studies (STS). We activate our ideas in collaboration with specialists and in response to practical activities, field trips, seminars and workshops.

该工作室探索创新的设计方法和以设计为主导的研究。我们明白,设计的实施与社会世界的形成息息相关。我们开发实验来探索设计在社会世界中的相互联系,重点关注人与非人类之间的互动,例如技术、基础设施、政策和动物。然后,我们在这些相互关联的关系中工作,通过材料响应开发新的交互a直播,并由此带来新的设计方法。为了支持这一点,我们借鉴了设计研究和科学技术研究 (STS) 的材料。我们与专家合作并响应实践活动、实地考察、研讨会和讲习班来激活我们的想法。

Spaces & Participation

This studio locates design, in an active and transformative capacity, within complex socio-political networks. It aims to explore ‘ways of acting’ within systems of control as well as new modes of public participation and engagement spanning performance and activism. The studio explores relations between the physicality of space, people and use that begin to negotiate and shape behaviours, and (inter) actions in responsive and innovative ways - from personal and intimate to architectural and planetary. We embrace the complexities of contested spaces, often hidden behind a language of efficiency, improvement and regulation to explore power relations in the arrangements and movements of the systems and structures we inhabit.

在复杂的社会政治网络中,空间与参与工作室以积极和变革性的方式从事设计工作,旨在探索控制体系内的“行动方式”以及探索空间、人和物体间的物质属性关系,以应对性和创新型的方式,开始协调和影响行为和 (相互)行动——即从个人和亲密空间上升到建筑和行星空间。通过了解有争议的空间复杂性(其通常隐身于效率、改进和规则的背后),从而探索在我们居住的体系和结构当中,部署与运动之间的权力关系。



如果您没有相关的本科学位,我们也欢迎那些在设计相关领域具备相应实践经验的人,我们将根据您以前的工作经验以及艺术/设计工作的相关性进行评判。我们还将考虑没有设计相关背景但在学术界或在工作中从事相关研究的申请人。我们期望您在设计或其他创造性实践中取得高标准的成就,以及具备使用生产设计工具的能力 (IT and/or manufacture workshop skills).

如果英语不是您的第一语言,您需要提供雅思成绩(或同等英语语言资格)至少 6.5 分,写作至少6.5 分,且单项不低于 6.0才能学习该课程。




包括5项相关作品(包括sketches, process, experiments and iterations)的作品集。



考题任务Application Brief (官网下载链接):



10页的visual document,需要反映出创造性、洞察力、和相关主题特点。


考题任务Application Brief (官网下载链接):





2021&2022MA Design: Expanded Practice 毕业展:

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